Bomb Pop Awards
Tweens today aren’t just one thing. They’re the jock who plays trombone. The gamer who knits. And as a brand that thinks outside the box and combines flavors to be #NotOneThing, we wanted to celebrate tweens and their multidimensional identities.
How? We hosted the first ever awards show on the platform tweens are 100% on–TikTok. We teamed up with TikTok influencer, Brent Rivera–whose hair just always looks like that–to host the show and find tweens who are Not One Thing. The most creative submission to the awards show was rewarded with $15k of real CASH MONAYYY.

We kicked off with a TopView TikTok ad to get the call out for submissions. Hello? Is anybody out there?!
And spread the announcement further across social with these groovy posts. They’re a ~vibe~

We worked with TikTok influencers who themselves were #NotOneThing and created content with them to get the word out to their fans.

Throughout the week of the Bomb Pop Awards, we rewarded the best submission per day with $1k. But the ultimate winner with the best submission got $15K!!!! Check out her submission over there —>
#BombPopAwards Views
Video Submissions
Award Show Page Visits
Brand Sales (YOY)

From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards
Case Study
We know, the whole project was so good that you want to see an entire summary of it.
So, just for you, here it is. Get the popcorn out.